Consumer Products Industry


Demand for the “next big thing”, rapidly changing consumer tastes and preferences, and relentless pressure on profitability are just some of the challenges faced by consumer products manufacturers.
MSC.Software provides modelling and analysis software and services that are helping manufacturers of guitars, golf clubs, consumer electronics, and many other consumer products to be more competitive by replacing physical prototypes and tests with virtual equivalents.

MSC solutions for the Consumer Products industry include:

  • Structural analysis
  • Drop & impact testing
  • Vibration analysis
  • Motion & mechanism analysis
  • Acoustics
  • Durability & fatigue life
  • Design optimization
Golf club design

Golf club design

Golf club impact

Golf club impact

Washer machine

Washer machine

Related Applications:

Related Products:

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D2S International offre des services de conseil en utilisant le logiciel d'éléments finis de HEXAGON (MSC Software).


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