The electronics industry is under intense pressure to get new products to market fast to stay ahead of competition, and faces unique requirements in protecting their products during shipment to customers.
MSC.Software’s CAE tools provide advanced multiphysics capabilities to simulate mechanical, thermal, and electromagnetic behavior and performance. Our solutions are used to optimize the design of circuit boards, semiconductors, displays, MEMS devices, and computers within consumer, industrial, medical, and other electronics applications.
MSC solutions for the electronics industry include:
Drop and impact testing
Strength tests (stress and strain)
Thermal analysis (convection,
conduction, radiation) -
Global-local shock analysis
Process automation
Durability and fatigue
Solder joint analysis
Vibration analysis
Circuit Boards
Packaging and shipping analysis
Cell phone
Hard drive disk
PCB thermal analysis
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Demande d'information
D2S International offre des services de conseil en utilisant le logiciel d'éléments finis de HEXAGON (MSC Software).